
Women and Leadershipin Domestic, Public and Political Domains:Equals Before God and Humankind

Siti Syamsiyatun is a professor at Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University (UIN), Yogyakarta. He also served as Director of ICRS (Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies), a consortium founded by UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Gajah Mada University, and Dutawacana Christian University, in 2010-2019. She is now serving as the Head of ‘Aisyiyah Research and Development Institute

Syamsiyatun was present at the 2017 Indonesian Women’s Ulema Congress (KUPI). According to him, KUPI is a forum for many ulama who pay attention to gender equality issues, regardless of whether the ulama are female or male. Female clerics must remain consistent and exist in paying attention to women’s issues and the clergy. The term ulama should not only be applied to those who have Islamic boarding schools, but also to those who produce scientific and Islamic works and provide benefits to the wider community.

The ideas obtained from KUPI were disseminated by Syamsiyatun through teaching in classes, at clerical events, and to the wider community. The image in society regarding the meaning of ulama which is only limited to men who wear turbans needs to be reviewed and add the ulama that is attached to women too.

BACA JUGA:   Press Release
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