
Welcoming Remarks by Rev. Canon Grace Kaiso

I feel deeply honoured on behalf of the Faith to Action Network, to welcome you to this land mark conference, as we put in practice, what we believe. All human beings are equal and must each be given the space to live out their God given potential.

Allow me to first of all, appreciate the Faith to Action Network’s founding members from this region, namely:

  • Muhammadiyah
  • Nadhatul Ulama – through Fatayat
  • Hindu Council of Indonesia
  • Buddhist Council of Indonesia
  • MATAKIN – Confucius

Aisyiyah, who have put in so much effort to make this conference a reality.

They have been supported by our other members namely the Hindu Council of Indonesia, Nadhatul Ulama – through Fatayat, the Buddhist Council of Indonesia and Matakin.

It is fitting that we are gathering in Indonesia for this conference, because Indonesia has been a wonderful model for interfaith collaboration. In many ways, we are here to honour you for that and for the unwavering support to Faith to Action Network’s vison and mission.

This occasion provides us the opportunity to cerebrate our growth as a Network. Since our inception in June 2011 with a handful of members, we have now grown to over a hundred members representing all the regions of the globe. While we started focussing on reproductive health, we have now increased our sphere of interventions, to include women rights and gender justice; peace just and inclusive communities; livelihoods, environmental stewardship and leadership.

We are trying as much as possible to live up to our motto, “journey to a more healthy, inclusive, just and peaceful world”.

BACA JUGA:   Press Release

One of our strengths as a Network, is that we have not shied away from engaging in difficult conversations or rather holding conversations on difficult subjects that impact on the well-being of people and their environment.

For a long time, some actors were reluctant to work with Faith Institutions because we were regarded as closed-in communities.

We have proven them wrong because faith Institutions believe and exist to enable people wrestle with existential questions.

Interfaith relations continue to be meaningful because they are willing to open up to each other- even to the point of discomfort.

This conference demonstrates this courage, as we explore the rights of women in Islam, as we wrestle with the gaps between our theology and practice.

One of the great obstacles to our flourishing is the reluctancy to engage in difficult conversations at all levels, personal, family, community, national and global.

We know what should be occupying our attention but are unwilling to focus on it. So, we get locked into a vicious cycle of deprivation and self -destruction.

By choosing to engage with contemporary issues, gender justice climate change, artificial intelligence, economic instability, Faith to Action Network is demonstrating that for us to realize our aspirations as those in the SDGs , there is need for collective effort. Men and Women need to be equipped, and must tackle the barriers that decimate our efforts.

Consider the aspiration of SDG 16 for example, Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and to build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

BACA JUGA:   Promoting Women’s Right to Bodily Integrity

Who is best positioned to contribute to its realization if we may ask. – It is us, the faith communities that have an extensive network with unparallel influence at all levels of society and who are driven by our belief in a God who has the power to transform.

If there are any development partners here, please invest heavily in faith Institutions because they are indispensable in all that you seek to achieve.

If there are any organizations here who have not joined the Faith to Action Network, please join us, because in Faith to Action Network you find the space to grow and serve together with other believers.

For the members of the Network, as we celebrate yet another milestone in this conference, let us COMMIT to be the GLUE.

The glue that narrows the gap between:

  • Men and women
  • The rich and the poor
  • The young and the old
  • Those endowed differently
  • Those with diverse physical abilities

For, it is in working together that we will build the foundation for a more promising future for our generation and for those to come,

I wish you transforming engagements during this conference, Thank you.

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