
The Impact of Violence Against Women (VAW) on Maternal and Child Health

Andari Wuri Astuti is a Head of Master of Midwifery Study Programme, Faculty of Health Sciences, UNISA Yogyakarta. She is a registered Indonesian midwife, a Member of the Health Council of Aisyiyah Central Board (Majelis Kesehatan Pimpinan Pusat Aisyiyah) and a Board Member of the Indonesian Midwifery Collegium. Over the last five years, she has been involved in research projects related to Indonesian adolescent pregnancy, Indonesian midwifery services, women’s health and sexual and reproductive health, which were funded by national and international parties.

Misunderstandings and deep beliefs open up opportunities for violence against women. Where the difference between men and women is that men will be better socially. Rejoice for the birth of a boy and frown for a baby girl. And there are acts of violence against women based on religious practices. Sexual harassment through eyes that glance at certain parts and touch them. And even one of them is forcing girls to marry. It can be clearly seen that forcing girls to marry someone they don’t want is a form of violence. In the Islamic view, this also eliminates the validity of the marriage contract. In fact, one form of violence that occurs against women is the marriage of underage girls who are eligible for marriage, which puts the girl in a serious psychological crisis, because the girl finds herself unable to carry out her duties. married life. Confiscation of inheritance against women is a form of violence. Where this is done under the pretext of protecting inherited assets, it is inversely proportional to what is explained in the Al-Qur’an.

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