
The Concept of Gender in Islam

Alimatul Qibtiyah, familiar with Alim, was born in Ngawi on September 19 1971. He is a professor in the field of Gender Studies, Faculty of Da’wah and Communication, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta. Currently he also serves as commissioner of the National Commission on Violence Against Women for the 2020-2024 period. She is also a member of the Muhammadiyah Majelis Tarjih dan Tajdid (Council for Islamic Thoughts and Renewal), ‘Aisyiyah Research and Development Institute.

Alim attended the 2017 Indonesian Women Ulama Congress (KUPI) as a participant. He is also involved in discussions about women and radicalism and women and sexual violence. So far, Alim has accessed sources and references, including about issues of gender equality and justice and about female ulama during the time of the Prophet, from the results of KUPI as inspiration for him to disseminate.

This paper discusses gender equality in Islam. It argues that misinterpretations of religious texts contribute to existing gender inequality. The author distinguishes between biological sex and socialized gender. Activities like housework are not inherently female. The paper emphasizes the importance of context when interpreting religious texts. Verses used to justify male dominance need reevaluation. Islam, according to the author, promotes justice and wellbeing for all. Both genders are equally obligated to good deeds and have the potential for achievement. The Quran acknowledges the challenges of childbirth and encourages family discussions about family planning.

The Prophet Muhammad is credited with improving women’s lives. The paper highlights alternative interpretations of Quranic verses on gender roles. It presents arguments for women’s leadership roles based on Islamic principles. The author concludes that Islam supports gender equality. While acknowledging biological differences, the paper argues for equal opportunities for men and women based on their potential. This approach, the author suggests, will benefit all of society.

BACA JUGA:   Islam's Position on Violence against Women
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