
Mohammed Bun Bida: Muslim Family Counselling Services’ Lessons

Mohammed Bun Bida is a Social Development Consultant from The Muslim Family Counseling Services (MFCS), a not-for-profit organization established in 1990 to provide information and services women/youth empowerment, health (Sexual and Reproductive Health), human rights, education, income generating activities and prevention within deprived communities in Ghana. The organizational goal of MFCS is to improve the quality of life of people by working with other agencies in joint efforts to provide the appropriate information and services for socio-cultural transformation. Most importantly, MFCS seeks to the realization of the full potential and total human developmentof people in deprived communities. In pursuit of this noble goal, MFCS reaches out to marginalized and deprived persons in deprived communities through participatory community mobilization activities, cultural, community empowerment and capacity building. For the past 30 good years, Muslim Family Counseling Services (MFCS) have been implementing education, human rights and health related projects including policy and budget advocacy as well as community mobilization and education. He also a social development advocate and consultant with 15 years experience .

The Muslim Family Counseling Service (MFC) defines sexual violence as any harmful act against a person because they are a woman or a man. The government has initiated steps to reduce the rate of violence against women by passing the Domestic Violence Bill. Violence against women increased during the COVID 19 pandemic, as a result of isolation. Muslim Family Counseling Services has handled cases involving various forms of violence, including child abuse and exploitation, sexual abuse, intimate partner violence, emotional and economic abuse, femicide and assault by law enforcement officers.

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Muslim Family Counseling Services is a non-profit organization established in 1990 under the office of the National Chief Imam of Ghana to provide women’s empowerment information and services. Using verses from the Koran as a basis for the movement and studying Bible verses so that they can be widely accepted in Ghana as a secular country. Muslim Family Counseling Services using traditional faiths and leaders as the front line to address SGBV/DV is a really good move. They also recommend the full involvement of leaders and communities in addressing and promoting sexual and reproductive health.

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